Unfortunately, Ivana Pavic has recently resigned as Development Director of World ParaVolley due to ill health.
In line with the Constitution, the Board has the power to appoint a replacement until the next General Assembly which will be in December 2022, and due to the limitations in the Constitution, the replacement person cannot come from the USA nor Canada.
The Development Director is a voting member of the World ParaVolley Board of Directors and is responsible to provide general leadership, direction and support for the education and training activities of the various Commissions. The focus is on developing capacity.
The duties involve:
• Creating a development calendar and planning for the future human resource needs of World ParaVolley and all Zones
• Working cooperatively with the various Commissions to deliver education and training, including on-line learning
• Providing leadership for the Development Commission members
• Identifying grant opportunities to support development activities
• Liaising with and supporting the various World ParaVolley Development Centres
• Working as an active voting member of the World ParaVolley Board
More specific detail, including a Job Description is available from the General Manager: generalmanager@worldparavolley.org
Written applications and accompanying Resumes, due 8 February 2022, should be lodged with the General Manager.