According to Pieter Joon, our first President, and the Minutes of the Meeting, on 24 April 1981 “World ParaVolley” was formally created at a meeting in Bonn on the occasion of the European Sitting Volleyball Championships. This group was, in fact, the historic “Sitting Volleyball Committee of ISOD” and the Minutes of that meeting have been preserved. The countries present included Luxembourg, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Germany and Holland. Apologies were received from Finland, Yugoslavia, Denmark and Austria. The Committee was comprised of:
• P Joon (President – Holland)
• K Aga (Secretary – Norway)
• H Haep (Member – Germany)
• A ‘t Hart (President Trainers – Holland)
• L Barlund (President Referees – Sweden)
The current World ParaVolley Board of Directors has approved that International World ParaVolley Day be celebrated annually on 24 April each year and that a special Committee is established to drive the project.
Thus, World ParaVolley is seeking a Chair for the International World ParaVolley Day Committee.
There is no formal application form and we are asking applicants to write about a single page indicating their background and experience and how they are able to fulfil the role. A brief Resume/CV would also be helpful.
Interested applicants are asked to send their expression of interest to generalmanager@worldparavolley.org before 15 November 2019.