World ParaVolley: All Rio 2016 Athlete Samples Negative
World ParaVolley is pleased to announce that all athlete samples collected during the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro and for the period during and since 2012 London Paralympics, have returned 100 percent negative results for all ParaVolley athletes tested from a wide variety of nations.
“I am pleased to report that the evidence so far is that we run a clean sport and I hope that the World ParaVolley members and the athletes themselves will keep up the pure sport spirit that is integral to our beloved sport that is Sitting Volleyball”, said Dr. Jun Ming Zhang, Chair of the World ParaVolley Anti-Doping Commission.
World ParaVolley would like to thank the athletes, their coaches and member nations for continuing to work to maintain Sitting Volleyball as a clean sport. We encourage members to keep up to date with all anti-doping information and to be aware of any changes to the Prohibited List coming in 2017. The World ParaVolley website now has updated and expanded information in the anti-doping section to help athletes understand their responsibilities, TUE’s, and testing, with easy access to valuable resources from WADA.
Athletes must remember that they are solely responsible for what is in their body at all times. However, it is the responsibility of all of us to protect the rights of the athletes to participate in a healthy, doping-free sport, thus ensuring fairness and equality on the Volleyball court.
Click here to access the World ParaVolley Anti-Doping web page.