Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs) Education for athletes and teams of Zonal Championships

The World ParaVolley Medical Commission has released the Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs) infographic for all athletes and teams attending in this year’s Zonal Championships, which is part of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games qualification pathway. The infographic provides the complete guidelines in accordance with the WADA policies on Therapeutic Use...

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Updates on the 2023 World Super 6 events

WORLD SUPER 6 FOR MEN The World Super 6 event for Men was planned to take place in Laval, France in September. Following a series of discussions with the French Federation, and reviewing alternative locations, we regret to inform everyone that this event will not proceed in 2023. If any...

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United States play exhibition matches with Canada in Boston

World No. 1 and two-time Paralympic Games champions United States went 4-1 in exhibition matches against 2022 World ParaVolley Sitting Volleyball World Championship silver medallists Canada held March 3 to 5 at the Boston Volleyball Festival Qualifier. The two teams are preparing for the ParaVolley Pan America Zonal Championship, which...

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Call for interest to host new Development Centres

WPV Beach ParaVolley Development Centre in Florida, USA Do you wish to become a node for ParaVolley development in your country or region? Do you wish to raise the profile of your sport? World ParaVolley and our Zones are providing an opportunity for member nations/organisations to host World ParaVolley or...

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New home for updated VolleySLIDE material

The full collection of VolleySLIDE resources have been fully refreshed, and are now available on the World ParaVolley (WPV) website. VolleySLIDE is an education programme developed to help those who are looking to get started with sitting volleyball, as well as those who have experience and would like to expand...

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