Call for interest to host new Development Centres

WPV Beach ParaVolley Development Centre in Florida, USA Do you wish to become a node for ParaVolley development in your country or region? Do you wish to raise the profile of your sport? World ParaVolley and our Zones are providing an opportunity for member nations/organisations to host World ParaVolley or...

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Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI): Assistant Sport Director Roles – Sitting Volleyball and Beach ParaVolley

The World ParaVolley Sport Department is seeking Expressions of Interests (EOIs) for the roles of Assistant Sport Director – Sitting Volleyball and Assistant Sport Director – Beach ParaVolley. These volunteer roles work closely with the Sport Director and form a critical team that supports the development and delivery of World...

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Introducing your Board of Directors

Held on 4 December, the 2022 virtual General Assembly delegates determined the composition of the Board of Directors by democratic vote. The positions decided by the delegates were:• Vice President – Lori Okimura who brings a wealth of experience in sport management and strategic planning and a multitude of contacts...

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Statement from the World ParaVolley Board of Directors

World ParaVolley, the International Federation of volleyball for persons with a physical impairment, announced today that an international technical official, Pierre Farmer (Canada) has been permanently suspended. The suspension has been imposed following the resolution of disciplinary proceedings brought by World ParaVolley against Mr Farmer. The disciplinary proceedings related to...

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2022 World ParaVolley General Assembly

In line with many other international organisations, World ParaVolley will not be holding a face-to-face 2022 General Assembly.  The Board of Directors has decided to conduct a virtual General Assembly as was held in 2020. The General Assembly will be held on 4 December, 2022, at 12h00 noon UTC. We...

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Media accreditation now open for 2022 World ParaVolley Sitting Volleyball World Championships

Media accreditation is now open for the 2022 World ParaVolley Sitting Volleyball World Championships from November 4 to 11 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. All members of the media both local/national and international, can now apply for accreditation using the WPV Media Accreditation Form. The deadline to register is Monday,...

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Volunteer Social Media Opportunity

Are you into social media? Are you prepared to volunteer your skills for an international sport federation that views social media as the most important current form of communication worldwide? Can you communicate effectively in written English? Can you work with us during our sitting volleyball and beach paravolley competitions?...

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WPV Athletes’ Commission PVAO and Global representatives announced

Paralympians Sadegh Bigdeli of Iran and Heidi Peters of Canada belong to the second group of elected athletes who will join the representatives of ParaVolley Europe, ParaVolley Africa and ParaVolley Pan America in the WPV Athletes’ Commission. Bigdeli and Peters will serve as the PVAO Representative and Global Representative, respectively....

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