As we celebrate the success of Paris 2024, we commence preparations for LA28.
World ParaVolley invites bids from nations and event organisers to host the 2025 and 2027 World Cup events. As part of a revised qualification program to reduce competition with the Zonal Championship qualification events in 2027, the new Paralympic Games qualification program will commence in 2025 with the World Cup as our first Paralympic Qualification event.
We are seeking expressions of interest to host one or both of these events so that we can build some certainty into the event calendar and allow nations to plan their competition participation and seek support and funding with advance knowledge of the calendar.
We are seeking expressions of interest to host one or both of these events, with a preferred hosting window between July and October. This will help build certainty into the event calendar, allowing nations to plan their competition participation and seek support and funding with advance knowledge of the schedule.

The World Cup is a premier World ParaVolley event, and carries the same World Ranking points as the World Championships.
“The World Cups and World Championships offer our nations a major event in each year to compete with teams from across the world and build global appreciation of our great sport – increasing the focus on the World Cups is a great initiative to offer the chance to promote our athletes and their abilities more often,” said Dr. Stephen Giugni, Sport Director for World ParaVolley.
Download the Bid Document: World ParaVolley Sitting Volleyball World Cup 2025 & 2027
Please submit your bids by 30 November 2024 to sportdirector@worldparavolley.org.