Vale: William “Bill” Kauffman

William “Bill” Kauffman June 13, 1969 – May 20, 2023 William “Bill” Kauffman, a member of the World ParaVolley Communications Commission and longtime press officer for USA Volleyball and the FIVB previously, passed away suddenly on 20 May 2023 at his home in Colorado Springs in the United States.  He was...

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World ParaVolley opens call to host 2024 Beach ParaVolley World Championships

World ParaVolley is seeking expressions of interest to host the 2024 Standing Beach ParaVolley World Championships. As part of building our second major discipline, World ParaVolley is seeking bids to host our premier international event for Standing Beach.  World ParaVolley will establish a Standing Beach ParaVolley World Championship event each...

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2023 World ParaVolley Awards

Awarded to worthy candidates for their outstanding contribution to the development and promotion of ParaVolley.   Awarded to recognise distinguished service for work through programmes and activities enhancing and increasing the development of ParaVolley.  

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World ParaVolley Day 2023

World ParaVolley Day is celebrated on April 24 to honour the formal creation of World ParaVolley in 1981 at a meeting held among six European representative countries in the German city of Bonn. As an independent international federation with membership in all four Zones of the world, World ParaVolley has...

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Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs) Education for athletes and teams of Zonal Championships

The World ParaVolley Medical Commission has released the Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs) infographic for all athletes and teams attending in this year’s Zonal Championships, which is part of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games qualification pathway. The infographic provides the complete guidelines in accordance with the WADA policies on Therapeutic Use...

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Updates on the 2023 World Super 6 events

WORLD SUPER 6 FOR MEN The World Super 6 event for Men was planned to take place in Laval, France in September. Following a series of discussions with the French Federation, and reviewing alternative locations, we regret to inform everyone that this event will not proceed in 2023. If any...

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