Rules of the Game approved for 2022-24

The World ParaVolley Board has supported the recommendations of the two Rules of the Game Committees to update the sitting volleyball and beach paravolley rules for the period 2022-24.  As the two strategic disciplines of World ParaVolley, it was important that these Rules were updated as deemed necessary by the...

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WADA strengthens global anti-doping system through re-build of its Anti-Doping Administration and Management System

From the World Anti-Doping Agency SPOTLIGHT, available HERE For many elite athletes and anti-doping professionals around the world, one of the most regular types of interaction they have with WADA is through ADAMS. Launched in 2005, ADAMS is a secure and cost-free, web-based system that centralizes doping control-related data such...

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World ParaVolley e-Learning platform to launch on June 15

World ParaVolley has been working hard over the past number of months to put together the initial phase of E-ParaVolley, an online LMS which will offer possibilities for individuals to learn more about World ParaVolley and to embark on technical education pathways. The program has been made possible in large...

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WADA seeks nominations for Standing Committees

Nominations – WADA Standing Committees Background World ParaVolley has been asked to consider nominations to various vacant positions on the World Anti-Doping Agency Standing Committees. Any nominations need to be approved by the World ParaVolley Board in the first instance and should be lodged with the General Manager by Member...

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Vale: Pheona Kimonge, World ParaVolley Classifier

World ParaVolley has learned that Ms. Pheona Kimonge of Kenya, one of the Federation’s International Classifiers, has passed away.   Details have only recently been published. Pheona died at the Kenyatta National Referral Hospital on the early morning hours of Sunday, September 13th, after a short illness.  She had lived with...

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ParaVolley Europe – October 2020 Events cancellation

From ParaVolley Europe: Based on the alarming increase of positive COVID cases in Europe in the last few weeks and due to the number of participating teams unable to travel in safe conditions, the ParaVolley Europe board has made the tough but wise decision to cancel all competitions planned for...

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