Clarification – Rule 4.1.1

The World ParaVolley Sitting Volleyball Rules of the Game Committee would like to provide a clarification of Rule 4.1.1

Official Sitting Volleyball Rules 2022 – 2024

Chapter 2 – Participants,   4 – Teams,   4.1 –Team composition,  4.1.1.


For the match, a team may consist of up to 14 players internationally classified with a ‘Confirmed’ sport class status or a ‘Review’ sport class status, including a maximum of two players classified as (VS2), plus:

–          Coaching Staff: …….


A team may consist of up to 14 players, among them up to 2 Libero players.

In cases where more than 12 players will play, two Liberos are mandatory in the team list of the score sheet.


– WPV Sitting Volleyball ROTG