Standing volleyball is not currently a discipline that World ParaVolley is developing for international competition. World ParaVolley’s primary areas of focus are sitting volleyball (indoor) and beach paravolley (standing).
This form of ParaVolley is the one which is most similar to the able-bodied (conventional) version as played at the Olympic Games. Standing volleyball first appeared at the Paralympic Games in 1976 in Toronto, and saw great success before losing its Paralympic status after the Sydney 2000 Games.
The game remains popular around the world in all World ParaVolley Zones where huge crowds can often be seen attending matches. Standing volleyball is one of few team sports that can be played ‘standing’ by people with mobility impairments. The amputee athletes have a choice to play with or without prostheses. Depending on the sense of balance, some above the knee amputees will choose to play without a prosthesis hopping on a single leg. Standing volleyball is played within an integrated FIVB rule set.
Athlete Eligibility
All athletes with physical impairments are eligible to compete in Standing volleyball at the international level, provided they go through the Classification process (see ‘Who Can Play’). Many players are athletes who are amputees. All athletes compete in conventional volleyball in their home countries, some at very high levels.
Rule Books for ParaVolley disciplines:
Sitting Volleyball
2022-2024 World ParaVolley Sitting Volleyball Rule Book
2022-2024 World ParaVolley Reglas Oficiales de Voleibol Sentado (Español)
2022-2024 World ParaVolley Regras Oficias de Voleibol Sentado (Português)
Youth Sitting Volleyball
2022-2024 World ParaVolley Official Youth Sitting Volleyball Rules
2022-2024 Reglas Oficiales del Voleibol Sentado Juvenil (Español)
Beach ParaVolley
2022-2024 World ParaVolley Beach ParaVolley Rule Book
2022-2024 Regras Oficias Paravôlei de Praia (Português)
2022-2024 World ParaVolley Reglas Oficiales – ParaVoleibol Playa (Español)
Beach Sitting Volleyball
2022-2024 World ParaVolley Official Beach Sitting Volleyball Rules