2015 ParaVolley Africa Sitting Volleyball Championships update

The ParaVolley Africa Sitting Volleyball Championships are underway, and competitors already have a few days of competition under their belts!  After three days of good competition, both the Men’s and Women’s teams from Egypt sit atop the standings. For more details please visit the Rwanda ParaVolley website. Thursday Bulletin Friday...

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2016 Intercontinental Confirmed!

President Barry Couzner and International Technical Official Weiping Tu have recently negotiated the host for the 2016 Intercontinental and World ParaVolley has great pleasure in announcing that the event will be held in Tangqi Town, Hangzhou City, China in the period 17th to 23rd March 2016. This will be the...

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Obituary – Marie-Thérèse Scholtens

Obituary Maria Theresia (Marie-Thérèse) Gertrudis Scholtens (1948-2015) If we wanted to find a definition of dedication and commitment, we would only need to look at the activities undertaken and services provided by Marie-Thérèse to the ParaVolley movement over several decades. Marie-Thérèse has been one of the longest-serving members of the...

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Great turnout for Referee courses

This month two courses, organized by the World ParaVolley Sport Department, took place in Elblag, Poland. The courses were held with the excellent cooperation of IKS ATAK in parallel with the “ELBLAG CUP 2015” – SPRING EDITION. One Course – an International Candidate Referee Course – was delivered by Pierre...

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World Club Cup confirmed!

It is with great pleasure that World ParaVolley announces the 2015 World ParaVolley World Club Cup of Sitting Volleyball (Men), to be held in Mashhad, I.R. Iran from September 18th through 25th, 2015. The event will be hosted by the I.R. Iran Sports Federation for the Disabled. This event is...

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No rule changes until after Rio

RULE UPDATE NO CHANGES TO SITTING VOLLEYBALL RULES Although FIVB have made changes to their rules, after which World ParaVolley normally modify the International Federation rules as relevant to our ParaVolley Disciplines, there will be no changes to the 2013 -2016 Sitting Volleyball Rules applied until after the Rio Paralympics....

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International debut for Italy

Another Olympic Volleyball superpower has begun its journey into the world of ParaVolley last month, with Italy hosting an international Sitting Volleyball tournament against Brazil and Croatia. Held from the 17th to 22nd February in two locations in Italy, the beautiful cities of Perugia and Cagliari – Brazil and Croatia...

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Update regarding Beach Worlds

It is with regret that World ParaVolley announces that we have been advised by the President of ATAK Poland that they are now unable to organise the Beach Volleyball World Championships planned for July, 2015 due to technical and financial challenges. On behalf of World ParaVolley, apologies to the teams...

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IPC publishes latest Classification Code draft

The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) released the second draft of the revised Classification Code on the 4th February, marking the launch of the third and final round of consultation. The revised Code, due for release in 2017, was developed from two periods of consultation during 2013 and 2014 which gathered responses...

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ParaVolley events coming up…

Since launching our brand new website at the beginning of the month, one of the most popular sections has been our Calendar. Unsurprisingly, you are all keen to know what is coming up and so we are pleased to confirm that we’ve added even more tournaments to this section –...

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