Become a Program Sponsor

By sponsoring a ParaVolley program, you’ll bring volleyball development programming to an. On average, development programs start at $10,000 and can cost $25,000 or more depending on the location and project type. Once you’ve made your gift, a member of our team will be in touch to allocate it to an appropriate project.

  • $10,000 will enable a training camp to be conducted for disadvantaged community members in Asia at the Hangzhou Development Centre (China) with an accredited Coach
  • $15,000 will enable a training camp to be conducted for disadvantaged community members in Central America with an accredited Coach
  • $20,000 will enable several “Come and Try” school programs to be offered in an emerging country in Europe for school children with disabilities in sitting volleyball and beach paravolley.

Types of Programs

We fund a variety of different development programs. We choose each project based on geographic need, culture, and economic conditions. When you sponsor a project, we’ll pair your donation with a solution of an appropriate cost.

The Foundation has five funding focus areas. As a Program Sponsor, you are encouraged to identify the area in which you would like to donate.

  1. Realizing the Potential of Emerging Countries
  2. Women in Sport
  3. Anti-Doping Infrastructure
  4. Growing Standing Beach ParaVolley
  5. Developing the Administrative Capabilities of World ParaVolley

Learn more about these funding areas.


Learn more about the Foundation

Foundation – Who Are We?

Vision, Mission, and Values

Objectives and Partnerships

Disability Around the World

Core Focus Areas

Brand Recognition for Sponsors

Inspiring Athletes


