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Learn about other ways you can support the World ParaVolley Foundation.
Contribute today, no matter the size of your donation, by clicking on the donate button below. Your donation will be a tremendous first step in helping the Foundation build a strong and sustainable platform to support our athletes and grow the sport of ParaVolley.
As a not-for-profit organization, World ParaVolley provides ParaVolley services for athletes with physical impairments around the world.
It is through the support of our many individual donors, corporate sponsors, foundations, and program partners that we are able to make an impact in the dreams of our members, no matter how small or big.
All donations will be used to fund World ParaVolley’s grassroots sport development programs. We thank you for Fueling the Dreams of our athletes!
Donor Privacy Policy
The World ParaVolley Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Protecting the privacy of our donors is extremely important to us, and our privacy policy is available on request. We comply with both the letter and spirit of all public disclosure requirements and strictly hold all private information confidential.
The World ParaVolley Foundation accepts gifts from donors that wish to remain anonymous, including anonymity in our reports to the community.
The World ParaVolley Foundation will discontinue contacting any person upon their oral or written request. A “do not contact” record will be maintained and upheld.
Learn more about the Foundation
Brand Recognition for Sponsors