World ParaVolley Sitting Volleyball Clinics in South Africa

World ParaVolley, in collaboration with the IPC Agitos Foundation and ParaVolley South Africa, will be conducting several ParaVolley clinics over the coming days to participants from several African nations. The clinics will be taking place at Stellenbosch University in Capetown, from January 7th through 11th. The courses on offer are...

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Mover & Shaker | Stéphane Girodat (FRA)

Working his magic at Volley-Club Sarrebourg in France. 1 – How did you get involved in Sitting Volleyball? I found out about Sitting Volleyball during the Paralympic Games several years ago.  I was aware of what thepractice of the sport could bring out in disabled people.  As a result, when...

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Great turnout for Referee courses

This month two courses, organized by the World ParaVolley Sport Department, took place in Elblag, Poland. The courses were held with the excellent cooperation of IKS ATAK in parallel with the “ELBLAG CUP 2015” – SPRING EDITION. One Course – an International Candidate Referee Course – was delivered by Pierre...

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International debut for Italy

Another Olympic Volleyball superpower has begun its journey into the world of ParaVolley last month, with Italy hosting an international Sitting Volleyball tournament against Brazil and Croatia. Held from the 17th to 22nd February in two locations in Italy, the beautiful cities of Perugia and Cagliari – Brazil and Croatia...

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