World ParaVolley would like to support member nations that are interested to run beach paravolley programs, trainings, competitions or camps by providing free Molten beach volleyballs.
Interested member nations may decide on their activity and the dates and must send their written proposal to Dr. Stephen Giugni AM, Assistant Sport Director for beach paravolley ( on or before 30 November 2020.
The brief proposal must include the member’s name and contact details, the planned beach paravolley activity, location, dates and number of participants. Members must also detail how Molten and World ParaVolley will be acknowledged in their activity. They must also declare their agreement to pay for the transportation and import charges.
In submitting their proposals, members must agree to shoulder the transportation and import costs of the beach volleyballs, and to acknowledge Molten and World ParaVolley as sponsors of the activity.
Due to the limited number of beach volleyball available, the limit for each member is 12 Molten beach volleyballs, which will be provided on first come, first served basis.