SZATMARI Dora – HUN (PVE) Szatmari
Dora started with WOVD/WPV in Nyíregyhaza, Hungary in 2006 as a trainee classifier.
“Those who contributed to my development include my classifier colleagues who inspired me to always aim at excellence, and Toralv Thorkildsen former ParaVolley Europe President by showing a good example with his positive and supportive attitude in management.”
Event involvement:
2021 Team Leader of Classification Commission of World ParaVolley
2021 Kemer, Turkey – European Championships – L3 Classifier via technology (testing with 47 Athletes)
2021 Tokyo, Japan – 2020 Paralympic Games – Senior (L3) Classifier
2021 World ParaVolley Final Qualifier for Tokyo 2020 – Chief Classifier
2020-2021 Acting Head of Classifier Education for World ParaVolley
2020 World ParaVolley Recognition Award for having made a significant contribution to the promotion and development of Sitting Volleyball as an: International Classifier/Educator and in the field of Governance
2012 Germany – European Championships – Chief International Classifier
2012 London, Great Britain – Paralympic Games – International Classifier
2012 Egypt – Intercontinental Cup – Chief International Classifier, Classification Course Tutor
2011-2019 Appointed Head of Classification of ParaVolley Europe
2011 The Netherlands – European Championships – Classifier, Classification Course Tutor
2010 Egypt – World Cup – Chief International Classifier, Classification Course Tutor
2010 Oklahoma USA – World Championship – Head of Delegation for Hungary Men
2008 Egypt – Intercontinental Cup – Chief International Classifier, Classification Course Tutor
2007 Hungary – European Championship Sitting Volleyball – Classifier and Technical Delegate
2007 Phnom Penh, Cambodia – Standing Volleyball World Cup – Classifier
2006-2010 The Netherlands, Germany, Bosnia i Herzegovina, Hungary – EuroCup -International Classifier
2006-2013 Classification of Hungarian Paralympic Athletes
Member of the Classification Committee, Classifier
Awards received:
2020 World ParaVolley Recognition Award
Official posts held:
2021 Team Leader of World ParaVolley Classification Commission
2020 -2021 Acting Head of Classifier Education for World ParaVolley
2011-2019 ParaVolley Europe Head of Classification
“Dora has brought extensive classification experience to World ParaVolley from her previous & current roles with ParaSwimming, Para PowerLifting and with the IPC. She has provided classification expertise, not only during classification evaluation of athletes, but in many administrative areas of Classification as well.
“She has been the assistant Head of Classifier Education for several years, offering advice as part of the Classification Rules Review Panel in 2016-2018, and stepping in to organize L1 and L2 courses administratively and as Head tutor. She was one of two people involved in the updating of the L1 classification course material in 2018 after the new rules were accepted by World ParaVolley.
“Dora’s skills and approach to evaluation and communicating classification outcomes are exemplary. With her cheerful countenance and communication skills, she has always been a valuable member of the international classification team. She leads by example and has been an amazing mentor to all classifiers at all levels of experience. In this, she has demonstrated great skill in tutoring, mentoring, encouraging, and supporting all classifiers to take themselves to the next level. Her gentle but direct communication with athletes and coaches make her a trusted source of information for many teams. She has also been part of hearing panels involving classification appeals, providing clarification of rules and processes.
“Dora was a key contributor to the development of Classification via Technology during the pandemic, and was part of a pilot project, coming in to classify athletes with limb deficiency impairment for the first time via technology in 2021. Dora has been a responsive and reliable volunteer for World ParaVolley, always giving carefully considered feedback for projects over many years, often on a daily basis.
“Her time and dedication to Education and Classification in our sport has resulted in a robust and respected Classification Commission for World ParaVolley by the zones as well as by the IPC. She is now serving in a new role as Head of Classification for World ParaVolley as well as continuing in a role with Classifier Education and will be contributing even more to the development of World ParaVolley going forward.”
– Louise Ashcroft – World ParaVolley Medical Director