Lu Cailiang (CHN)

Mr. Lu Cailiang was elected as President of ParaVolley Asia-Oceania at the 2017 PVAO General Assembly.  Mr. Lu has a lengthy history of creating job opportunities in his company for people with physical impairments, and has invested over 50-million USD in the Goalball Training Centre in Hangzhou, CHN.  He has successfully led the Organizing Committees of the 2016 World ParaVolley Intercontinental, the 2017 World Super Six, and the 2017 PVAO Sitting Volleyball Championships.  He has also sponsored World ParaVolley’s first Development Centre, in Hangzhou.  The list of professional and charity organizations of which he is a member are too numerous to mention, but range from being a Member of NPC China, to the Deputy President of the Education & Occupation Society of Zhejiang Disabled Persons.