Abuse can happen to anyone.  There are different types of abuse.  The most commonly experienced form of abuse in sports is emotional abuse which may also include physical or verbal abuse.  Violence in sport can include physical, sexual, verbal, emotional or psychological abuse and other forms.  

Below are some links to agencies and organisations who define abuse and share examples.  If you believe you are the victim of abuse, it is always a good practice to inform someone including your local authorities to seek help.

(Updated 16-10-2023; additional resources will be added as they become available. To suggest a link, please email safeguarding@worldparavolley.org).

International Olympic Committee / Athlete 365 Fact Sheet

The Army of Survivors “Abuse in Sports”

Council of Europe “Safeguarding Definitions of Abuse”

Women’s Sports Foundation Addressing the Issue of Abuse

U.S. Center for SafeSport: Recognizing the Signs of Abuse