VolleyABLE is a brand new short e-learning course focused on player recruitment for Sitting Volleyball.  It is free to access and is designed to be a useful educational tool for those who either are in a potential position to signpost players to the sport, or are tasked with going out and recruiting players for a club or national team.

The course takes under an hour to complete and covers the basics of Sitting Volleyball, talent identification, classification, rehabilitation and what further education options that are available if you want to learn more.

Objectives of the course are:

• Understand the characteristics of sitting volleyball and its position in the Paralympic movement
• Detect the personal and physical factors that signify potential talent for Sitting Volleyball
• Be familiar with the general Classification eligibility requirements for international sitting volleyball competition
• Recognise the benefit of sport in rehabilitation and those living with an impairment
• Understand the potential next steps for players and those taking the course


Absolutely anyone can access the course, at any time, completely free of charge.  All that is asked is that you help bring more players to Sitting Volleyball and share your certificate far and wide.

How to access the course:

  1. Create an account (if not already got one)
  2. Click on the course titled “VolleyABLE – Player Recruitment” on the course list
  3. Enrol yourself onto the course and work through at your convenience

VolleyABLE is partly based on the longer VolleySLIDE e-learning course which is aimed at sports teachers/coaches, going into much more detail around the technical and tactical elements of Sitting Volleyball.

We LOVE feedback!  If you have any feedback on this e-learning course, please write to volleyslide@worldparavolley.org with any comments or suggestions.