After a general call for applications, the Board of World ParaVolley is pleased to announce that the Chairs of the Commissions for the next four years have been approved and appointed.
They are:
Classification Commission – Dr Jurate Kesiene
Anti-Doping Commission – Dr Jun Ming Zhang (Jamie)
Medical Research Commission – Dr Jolanta Marszalek
Coaches Commission – Steve Jones
Referees Commission – Glynn Archibald
Technical Commission – Maciej Chodzko-Zajko
Beach Volleyball Commission – Chris Seilkop
Sport Research Commission – tba
Marketing Commission – Eugenia de Paolis
Development Commission – Jose Poncio
Communications Commission – Richard Baker
World ParaVolley President Barry Couzner said: “This represents a nice balance of refreshment and experience as we have a continuation of some existing Chairs, and the appointment of some new Chairs – a great outcome as we plan for the future for our athletes.”
World ParaVolley was very pleased to receive a total of 22 applications for the above Commissions, representing a real desire to assist with the management of the Commission activities that are focused on the athletes. The Athlete Commission Chair and membership will be decided as soon as possible later in 2018.
In the near future the Chairs, together with the relevant Board Member, will fill the other Commission positions, noting that all Zone equivalent positions currently held, are automatically on the respective World ParaVolley Commission. (E.g. the Zone Classification Commissioner is on the World ParaVolley Classification Commission).
The expectation is then for the respective Chairs to hold regular meetings (using online technology) with the Commission members in order to focus on critical projects for the development of World ParaVolley and to improve communication and collaboration across the world – tasks that the World ParaVolley Board will be fully supportive of as the organisation continues to develop the sport of Sitting Volleyball and Standing Beach Volleyball.