Working his magic at Volley-Club Sarrebourg in France.
1 – How did you get involved in Sitting Volleyball?
I found out about Sitting Volleyball during the Paralympic Games several years ago. I was aware of what thepractice of the sport could bring out in disabled people. As a result, when Ibecame a nurse in a specialised institute in Lorquin, I set out to develop theactivity. The initial aim of the project was therapeutic linked with self esteem,a way to feel human again and in control of their body and also to make themwant to practice a physical activity.
2 – What is it that motivates you each day to further develop our sport?
I strongly believe in the therapeuticvirtues of the sport. I work as a nurse and I have been able to notice thepositive effects of the sport with disabled people in our club. For several years now, I have been trying to adapt the practice of volleyball to what people can and cannot do. I am a firm believer of the link between acknowledging Sitting Volleyball in France and how disabled people are perceived in the French society.
On a day to day basis, my biggest motivation is to acknowledge disabled people as normal human beings who have as much potential as anybody else and also to show that Sitting Volleyball is a self standing discipline under no circumstances degrading for disabled people.
3 – What has been your biggest achievement in Sitting Volleyball to date?
My biggest achievement so far is having developed a Sitting Volleyball section within our club where every Wednesdays, children, adults, whether able-bodied, physically or mentally disabled play together.
There is no longer a barrier between then and as a result, the disabled people I have been following for the last two years are coming out of their shell and improving their abilities on a day to day basis. They rediscover feelings and sensations they felt they had lost when they became disabled and they are again looking forward to something positive in their life.
4 – How would you explain Sitting Volleyball to someone in 12 words or less?
Sitting Volleyball is an inclusive sport where disabled and able-bodied people are equal
5 – Where/how do you see Sitting Volleyball in 10 years time?
I would like Sitting Volleyball to be fully acknowledged in France. I would love to see a French National Team being set up with an official national championship taking place and have the aim of training young players.
The ‘Movers & Shakers’ initiative is aimed at giving more recognition to those that are developing Sitting Volleyball around the globe.
It can be anyone working in the sport, whether they have excelled at promoting it, ran a successful competition, started a new club/activity, organised events to increase awareness, influenced people for the greater benefit of the sport or a combination of the above.
Please do let us know if you know of someone who deserves to be highlighted by e-mailing
volleyslide@worldparavolley.org with the following:
- Full name
- e-mail address
- Country in which they mainly work
- A short justification of why you are putting them forward
Their story will also offer others a chance for others to learn from their good practise and use what works in their area for even greater benefit. This is your chance to give recognition to those who promote and build the sport of sitting volleyball. We look forward to hearing from you.
Previous Mover & Shakers: